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Esmaeeli, Hossein

Death escaping or accepting the death (A study in the death in Khayyam's poems). Esmaeeli, Hossein; Mortazevi, Fakhraddin; Karami, Bakhtiar; Hashemzadeh, Abolfazi; Gashtasb, Maryam; Joveini, Roghayyeh Ebrahimi.
Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 3 (2014), Special Issue II, pp. 120–125

Death is a phenomenon whose mysterious shadow is widespread throughout human culture. Its nature and vague structure has been a permanent concern and basic question for human beings and there have been different theoretical and religious schools from the beginning till now. It has also attracted the many poets’ views. Along with ancient literature of Iran and the first myths and epics of that era, in the post-Islamic Persian literary prose and verse, whose first works remain from the mid-third century, we have seen these historical concerns. With few exceptions, in this paper we can study the attempts of after Islam poets in Iran to overcome the death or reduce tits concerns.